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All right singles from review, going from online conversations to real life meetings has a linear pattern that goes through 3 phases:

1.     Exchanging Phone Numbers

2.      The First Phone Call

3.      The Second Phone Call Review

Throughout these phases be sure to continue the online conversation flow and rhythm that you and your online friend have established over the internet. This way it still feels comfortable and natural so that the transition to a real life meeting goes as smooth as possible.


Gentleman, 99% of the times you will need to ask to exchange phone numbers, make the first call and set up the first get together. When you feel comfortable and ready (usually after the 3rd or 4th email - some people from scam may take longer), ask to exchange phone numbers. Here are some straightforward ways to exchange phone numbers and find out whether or not your candidate is interested in the real thing.

"I do not have time to email back and forth"

By stating that you value your time, your candidate will sense that it is not to be taken for granted. This will also set a healthy expectation for the time being invested into the relationship. Putting in the effort into finding that special someone should never be taken for granted.

"Emails are too impersonal, if you would like to continue this conversation I would rather do it in person"

The subtext is saying: make a choice, either you are in or out; otherwise do not waste our time. By being straightforward about your online dating intentions from review, you demonstrate that you are not needy or insecure which are key points in creating attraction.


Now that you exchanged numbers, it is time to take the plunge and make the call. Put yourself into a relaxed state and most importantly: DO NOT IMAGINE HOW THE CONVERSATION WILL GO. Usually we expect too much and imagine failure so now is not the time to think. Be in the moment and follow these criteria to lay the foundation down for a real life meeting.

Open with a Positive Friendly Tone - It does not matter what you say; it is how you say it. Always start off with a positive tone and open mind. If you are receiving the call, create the same feeling in your response - open and warm.

Keep it short and sweet - Work off whatever social momentum and topics you had going from the emails. Other conversation threads from scam will appear naturally - take them to keep the conversation dynamic. Your main priority at this point is to relax and make it fun!!

Try to end on a high note - Stop the conversation, make up a reason if you need:

Example: "I've got to run; I'm meeting some friends at the gym."

And leave it at that - Do not ask to get together yet. The first phone call is about feeling each other out and seeing if there is some real chemistry happening. If the conversation went well then this experience has planted a seed in you and your candidate’s minds. You are probably both now thinking about each other and the only way to scratch this itch is for you to get together. Now is the time to decide whether or not there was any chemistry and if you really want to meet this person. For the sake of developing skills and gaining real life experiences we say go for it! Wait 2 days for the next call. Making the first phone call friendly and enjoyable develops more comfort and rapport for both parties from review. In doing so you open up more social communication, laying down the foundation for deeper more meaningful conversations.


Wash, rinse and repeat. Follow the EXACT same procedure as the first call:

·        Open / Receive with a positive friendly tone

·        Keep it fun, short and sweet

·        Try to end on a high note

BUT this time you are going to talk about "getting together". Keep it casual like you are just getting together to catch up with a friend. Make a decision about when & where and end the conversation on that high note again. Afterwards congratulate yourself for pushing through the experience. The first time is always the worst time, after that you will glide through the whole online process more naturally.

Keep your expectations low and most of all: DO NOT MAKE IT SOUND LIKE A DATE! Above all things do not use the "D" word. We know how odd that must sound on a dating article like this from scam, but the whole point is to avoid creating pressure. The moment your anxiety level rises, your partner will sense it and it will transfer over into them through your vocal tonality, making it feel awkward and uncomfortable. Get into the mind frame that it is just a simple "get together" to have a fun time and continue the conversation face to face. Review

Profile Tips That Will Instantly Attract Any Woman at Online Dating Websites

You only have 30 seconds to create a good impression right?

Wrong. Princeton psychologists have shown all it takes is looking at your face for one-tenth of a second to form an impression. Imagine women at online dating websites, browsing through thousands of profiles each day. If you have a poor quality profile photo of yourself, then your chance of success with women online will be drastically reduced. So get a good picture of yourself.

What you want is a clear, clean shot, above the shoulder, of your face. You don't need to be handsome. You just have to show the woman from review that you respect yourself by keeping yourself clean. The most important thing is good lighting. It doesn't matter if you look like David Beckham and have the most charming smile in the world if the picture is not clear or too dark to see. So make sure you're in a well-lit room. Also have at least three different pictures of yourself: one in a suit, shirt and tie, and t-shirt.

If your picture is decent, the woman will click your profile. To get her to continue reading your profile, your headline must grab her and your story needs to be interesting. If you have things like "I will buy you everything you want and fulfill all your desires," you'll lose, or worst, attract the wrong type of woman.

My two most favorite headlines to use are "Have you ever wondered: Isn't there more than this?" and "Are you more than a pretty face?" Besides working like gangbusters, the reason they are so good is because you're entering a conversation with the woman right from the start. You're also getting them to think.

After the headline, you're going to need a good story. I'm not talking about your life story. You need to focus on her. What is the woman from scam looking for? The answer to that is what you should incorporate in your story.

Women want guys who are confident, passionate, and know what they want. You can show, for example, by writing "I am based in New York, but spend much of my time traveling and snowboarding. I've never wanted anything lasting, but my perspective has not changed. I love to cook and share my passion for cooking by frequently hosting dinner parties for my family and friends. I prefer to keep my circle of friends small and will not tolerate any gold diggers, flaky women, or drama queens. However, if you're an exceptional lady and you view us as maybe being compatible, then I would love to meet you in person."

With that short story, I've demonstrated I'm confident by hosting parties, my passion for snowboarding and cooking, and the type of woman and relationship I want. So come up with your own interesting story. Just remember to keep in the front of your mind what she's looking for.

A good photo, attention grabbing headline, and interesting story, will instantly attract any woman at online dating websites like review. Your online dating profile is in shape. After a couple email exchanges and phone chats, it's time to meet the woman in person.



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